My family and I went to church yesterday in our bare feet. Yes, that's right...walked right into Eagle Heights Baptist Church barefoot! Don't worry, we haven't turned into hillbilly's out here on the prairie. It was an organized event to gather new or gently worn shoes for people in Haiti that don't have any. It was chilly and raining, but we still walked in barefoot. I think the uncomfortable weather made a bigger impact on us than if it had been a warm and sunny day. We were uncomfortable for a short while. For many, uncomfortable is a way of life. They say that one person can't change the world. BUT, little stones dropped in a pool make big ripples. We did our part by dropping 2 pairs of brand new shoes into the donation pool. There will be 2 less shoeless kids in Haiti soon. I can live with that. :)
UPDATE: EHBC members donated 316 pairs of shoes!
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